Better value than 3-pack
This is my second time ordering from Prairie Moon. The first time, I ordered a 3-pack. This time I ordered a 6-pack and I'm even more pleased due to the combination of greater value as well as variety.
The six flavors I ordered this time out include Red Apple, Blackberry, Pear, Pink Bubblegum, Maraschino Cherry, and Banana.
The Pink Bubblegum was a reorder, so you know that's one of my favorite flavors. All the rest were first-time orders.
I was somewhat disappointed in my first order with the Sour Cherry not being all that sour... or strong... so this time I tried Maraschino Cherry and was much more pleased. While it's not sour at all, it really delivers on the flavor level, with a bold, sweet cherry flavor that really does taste like Maraschino syrup from a jar of cherries.
Banana makes a better mix-in with other flavors than a standalone, but it is not a weak banana flavor, which was a relief because banana usually is weak.
Red Apple was a solid surprise; you really can taste the difference between this flavor and green apple.
Blackberry was spot-on, and considering I live in Oregon, the heart of Marion Blackberry country, that's a well-earned bit of praise.
Finally, Pear was solid but not quite as bold or distinct as I would have hoped. Pear and Banana were both okay, but out of a strong six-pack of flavors, those were the ones that came closest to disappointing.
You can bet that when supplies run low, I'll be back again.
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Reviewed by: Craig Hansen from Portland, OR.
on 12/4/2012